Dear Lady on the Coast Starlight, It’s February 27, 2020, and you’re on your way home to Sacramento after three days in L.A. Your sister had flown out to California for business, and you joined her, sharing a room at the hip-ish Standard Hotel in We ...
Our Year in Reading 2020
Naomi (with long pandemic hair!) smiling with copies of Kati Standefer's Lightning Flowers The book lists are abbreviated this year, by which I mean they're not annotated. I sprained my left thumb a week ago and was going to forego this annual ritu ...
Our Year in Reading 2019
The astonishing translation by Emily Wilson Last month I posted about my Ursula LeGuin reading project for 2019; here’s the complete list of everything my husband Dan and I read over the past year. We read just two books in common this year: Lauren ...
My Year of Ursula Le Guin
Some good reading This year, for the first time ever, I read a lot of books by a single author. I decided to try this at the end of 2018, inspired in part by my husband Dan, who often reads multiple books by one person, and also by my friend Christian ...
Our Year in Reading 2018
All I need: green tea, GF donut, riveting book. What a lame blogger I’ve become! This is literally my only post for the year. But I had my reasons, chief of which was a breast cancer diagnosis this spring that proceeded to derail the entire year. I hope ...
Our Year in Reading 2017
Can't lie: I love my Kindle For the eighth consecutive December 31, I’m seeing out the old year by reporting what my husband Dan and I read over the past year. A few comments about this year’s lists: One big change to my reading habits: I started read ...
A Trip Around the World, Part 6
Chateau de Fontainebleau On the morning of Friday, July 7, the Moscow-Paris Express pulled into Gare de l’Est, and the long train journey that had begun in Vladivostok eleven days before was over. Pretty Parisian courtyard. We were on the 6th floo ...
A Trip Around the World, Part 5

A Trip Around the World, Part 4

Around the World in 35 Days, Part 3